Chapter 8.12 Contents:

[REVISED: 5/1/16]

  1. The counselor may authorize under an Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE) any initial occupational license or other written authority (such as licensing test, license, permit, certification, etc.) required by state or local government regulations (or by the employer’s or training vendor’s placement qualification requirements) for an immediate job placement or vocational training. This is not a stand alone service.  

  2. The counselor shall not authorize occupational license fees required to maintain client current employment, such as periodic license renewal, because this is the financial responsibility of the client or is an ongoing operational expense of self-employment.

  3. Maximum allowance.
    The maximum allowance is the actual cost.

  4. Comparable benefit.
    Occupational license shall (per 2001 Federal Regulation 34 CFR § 361.53) be subject to comparable benefits policy (see Chapter 14.2, COMPARABLE, Policy 1). The counselor shall not authorize any fees that the employer or training vendor pays for all employees or trainees in the same position. 

  5. Fee-based.
    Occupational license shall (per 2001 Federal Regulation 34 CFR § 361.54)  be subject to consumer financial participation policy (see Chapter 14.3, FINANCIAL, Policy 1. ).

  6. Encumbering funds.
    Services shall be subject to DRS established purchasing policies and procedures (see Chapter 14.1, PURCHASING, Policy 1).  For S/I Code, see the DARS Services Reference Manual and use the occupational license Service/Item (S/I) code (including when needed for a self employment enterprise (SEE); do not use the SEE “Other” S/I code).  If the payee is part of the Virginia state treasury system (such as agency, department, or regulatory board), the counselor shall complete the Administrative Voucher
  7. IAT.
    If the client does not appear for testing, ask Fiscal Division if the Administrative Voucher can be canceled.​

Links to the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) are currently unavailable while we await federal changes to the vocational rehabilitation program. Upon promulgation of the final regulations the links will be updated and activated.